Friday, October 5, 2012

Positive Paws!!!

Jonathan was our star of the week!  He is a star because he likes playing and he likes books!


No School on Monday, October 8! Happy Columbus Day!

Don't forget to sign up for conferences!

Through PBIS, we are encouraged to reinforce positive behavior; therefore, everytime I see a student being responsible, being respectful or being safe I give him/her a paw.  Reinforcing positive behavior creates a more positive learning enviornment for our children which allows those students who are struggling to improve.  Use this practice at home.  Praise your child for pushing in their chair, for cleaning up after himself or for playing nicely with a sibling or friend. 

This week week Mrs. Will (Social Worker) visited us and introduced us to Puppy who needs a little help with his listening skills.  Puppy and the kindergartners learned some rules and the action to go along with the rule.  Eyes watching (finger to the corner of eye), Ears listening (hands cupping ears), Body still (hug torso with both arms), Voice quiet or voice off (finger to lips).  Try it at home with your kindergarnter!  More information on Mrs. Will's visits will be coming home with your child. Look for the purple letter in his/her folder.

The children will also be bringing home their behavior chart.  This is a great tool for me and for you to keep communication lines open.  If they earned 5 green checks then they received a sticker.  If you see a yellow check, that means that your child is working on a certain classroom expectation.  I will note it in the comments section.  If you have any questions, please feel free to email me. 

Halloween NEWS!!! Please have your child come to school DRESSED in their Halloween costume on Wednesday, October 31 (Halloween).  Please do NOT send treats with your child.  Thanks to our room mom and party helpers, there will be enough treats and activities.

Bad Weather Drill
The kindergartners did a great job of being quick and quiet as we practiced what to do in case of bad weather.  Ask your child what we did (hopefully they'll be able to tell you!).

Box Tops!!!

BOX TOPS: Don't forget to send in Box Tops!!!


This week the kindergartners worked on making predictions and summarizing.  Along with Caps for Sale we read the book Big and predicted what else is big.  We also highlighted the popcorn word "big" and "a".  We also read the book I Need a Lunch Box.  The children summarized the story and we also talked about words being plural.  In the book some of the plural words were crayons, marbles, sandwiches, apples, oranges and cookies. 

We are still practicing EEKK (reading to a friend).  Ask your child about EEKK.


The kindergartners also worked hard on the letters "m" and "d".  The sound of m is made like you just ate something yummy.  Put your hand on your tummy and say "m-m-m-m".  D is the sound like a drum d-d-d-d.  A review of the next set of letters will be coming home with your child.  Please look for this in your child's folder and reinforce these sounds at home (along with the last set!).   

In math, we have been working on AB and AAB patterns.  The children have also been working with positional words including next to, beside and between (reviewing over, under, above and below).  We are continuing to tally the number of days of school and counting by 1's and 10's (sometimes by 2's and 5's). 
Have a good weekend!