Friday, September 28, 2012

EEKK! What a Week!

Alex was our star of the week!  He is a star because he is unique!


The children have been working hard on being responsible by being a good listener.  Being a good listener helps them follow directions.  Through PBIS, we are encouraged to reinforce positive behavior; therefore, everytime I saw a student following directions or listening, he/she was given a paw.  Some of kindergartners need a little extra encouragement when it comes to following directions and reinforcing positive behavior creates a more positive learning enviornment for our children and allows those students who are struggling with following directions or listening to improve.  

The children will also be bringing home their behavior chart.  This is a great tool for me and for you to keep communication lines open.  If they earned 5 green checks then they received a sticker.  If you see a yellow check, that means that your child is working on a certain classroom expectation.  I will note it in the comments section.  If you have any questions, please feel free to email me.   

BOX TOPS due Monday, October 1!

This week the kindergartners worked on predicting and summarizing.  We read the book Brown Bear Brown Bear What Do You See? and predicted what comes next.  They also summarized what we saw in order.  Then the children wrote in their journal what they see.  _____, _____ What do you see?  I see a _____.  The plugged their name in and then wrote what they see.  Notice the popcorn words I, see and a?  We also read the book In The Deep Blue Sea.  Mrs. Will came into our classroom and shared the story Howard B. Wigglebottom Learns to Listen and discussed what a good listener looks like.  Ask your child what a good listerner looks like. We also read the book In The Big Blue Sea and we talked about what color fish are in the sea.
We are still practicing EEKK (reading to a friend).  Ask your child about what EEKK is.   

The kindergartners also worked hard on the letters "h" and "r".  The sound of h is made like you're out of breath.  Put your hand in front of your mouth and h-h-h.  R is the sound like the growling dog, Rags, rrrrr.  Please reinforce these sounds at home. 

In math, we have been working on patterning using unifix cubes.  After making an AB pattern the children had to sort the colors back to two groups.  The children have also been working with positional words like over, under, above and below.  We continued to count by 1's, 2's, 5's and 10's.  We also had to guess the missing number.  For example _, 5, 6.  What number is missing.  We also sequenced and tallied numbers to 20.  Please practice this skills with you son or daughter at home. 

Have a good weekend!