Saturday, March 28, 2009

Week of April 6-April 10

READING: Next week we will read a story called Thundercake. It is a realistic fiction about a girl who is afraid of thunderstorms. Her grandma finds a way to dispel her fear of thunderstorms.
Comprehension Skills: Sequence of Events
Grammar Skill: verbs: is/are was/were
Phonics: -ed, -ing endings; silent consonants: gh, k(n), b
Vocabulary Words: heavy, hour, child, air, horizon, weather, thunder, lightning, rumbled, bolt, clap, cooed, stammered, crowed, penned and samovar

SPELLING: Due to the short week, our spelling list will only include regular spelling words. I will not be giving challenge words.

MATH: We were not able to finish Chapter 12; therefore, we will be finishing Chapter 12 after Spring Break. We will review and take the test Thursday. Please keep practicing counting money with your child as well as practicing math facts.

Science: We will continue to work on Unit F on Energy and Motion along with our Butterfly mini-unit.

HANDWRITING: We will begin uppercase cursive letters. Please encourage your child to sit properly and to work carefully on handwriting homework. Thank you!