Friday, February 27, 2009

Week of March 2- March 6

Writers are Readers and Readers are Writers!!

READING/LA: We will be participating in a Reading/Writing Workshop this week. The children will pre-write, edit and write final drafts. They will be working on writing a personal narrative. A few things to remember when writing a great narrative are:·

  • Use the words I, me, my and myself·

  • Write a good beginning·

  • Write about only one thing per paragraph·

  • Write enough details so that readers can picture what happened·

  • Tell events in order: first, next, last·

  • Tell how you feel and what happened·

  • Write an ending that wraps up your narrative

MATH: We will continue working on Chapter 11 on money. We will count with half dollars and quarters, we will order money by value in order to count them, we will model the same amount using different coins and problem solve by making a list. Please send in the list of coins needed for this chapter as soon as possible. Thank you!!

SOCIAL STUDIES: We will start a new Unit called “Our Country Today”. We will learn about our local, state and federal governments.

HANDWRITING: We will be working on the letters c, q, and n this week. Please encourage your child to sit properly and to work carefully on practice sheets. Thank you!