Thursday, February 19, 2009

Week of February 23- February 27

READING/LA: As a theme review, we will read two selections about dinosaurs next week. One is a fiction and the other is a non-fiction.
Comprehension strategy: Connecting and comparing, review drawing conclusions and cause and effect.
Vocabulary Words: disaster, earthquake, erupting, lava, pitch, volcano, allergic, swamp, rumblings, resign, fossils, packs, prey, remains, reptiles, roamed, remains, crests
Phonics: Words with nd, nt, mp, ng, and nk. We will also review words with the vowel pairs oa and ow.
SPELLING: Our spelling words will include review words as well as vocabulary words from our reading selections.

MATH: We will continue working on Chapter 10. We will finish the chapter with making predictions. We will review on Tuesday and take our test on Wednesday. Our next chapter in math will be on money. Please send in the coins needed for this chapter by Tuesday, February 24. Thank you!!

SOCIAL STUDIES: We will continue working on learning about great African-Americans. We will start a new Unit called “Our Country Today”. We will learn about our local, state and federal governments.

HANDWRITING: We will be working on the letters a, d, g and o this week. Please encourage your child to sit properly and to work carefully on practice sheets. Thank you!