Friday, February 6, 2009

February 9- February 13

READING: Due to IOWA testing, we will NOT have a reading selection. The majority of IOWA testing will be done during our reading/language arts block. Please be sure to keep your child on his/her regular routine, a good night’s sleep and a good breakfast.

SPELLING: We will not have a spelling list for next week. Depending on time, we will be reviewing spelling words from previous weeks.

MATH: We finished Chapter 9 and we will be starting Chapter 10 on probability. We will try to take our made minutes next week. Please keep practicing addition/subtraction facts with your second grader.

SCIENCE: We finished Chapter 6 on Natural Resources. The children learned how oil spills can pollute the waters. Ask them about it!

HANDWRITING: Due to IOWA’s, I am not sure what letters we will get to this week; therefore, I will be sending home handwriting practice the entire week. Please encourage your child to sit properly and to work carefully. Thank you!

We will also be studying Abraham Lincoln this week. We will read books, have discussions and make a timeline about his life. On Thursday, we will share our information with Mrs. Onorato’s class and they will share their study of George Washington with us.