Sunday, January 4, 2009

January 5- January 9

Evalina Olsen's First Visit to the classroom

READING: We will be reading a selection called Jamaica Louise James. This story is about a girl who loves to draw and paint. To surprise her grandmother on her birthday, she hangs up her artwork up at the subway station where her grandmother works.

Comprehension Skill: making inferences and evaluating
Grammar Skill: Nouns that change spelling in the plural (man/men)
Phonics: vowel pairs ee, ea
Suffixes -tion and –ture
Vocabulary Words: booth, plaque, station, subway, token, mayor, collection, believe, lady, whole

SPELLING: The spelling words for this week go along with the reading selection. The words will have the long “e” sound spelled with “ee” or “ea”.

MATH: We finished Chapter 7 and will begin Chapter 8. This next chapter will give the children more practice with double digit subtraction and introduce them to the strategy of using addition to check a subtraction problem. Please keep practicing subtracting facts with your second grader. Many of the children’s errors are computation errors.

SCIENCE: We will be starting a new Unit in Science called “Our Earth”. It focuses on the Earth’s surfaces and its natural resources.


The children did a great job singing at Fairview Village. They brought a lot of joy to all the residents!
  • Thank you for all the wonderful presents. I really appreciate all the thoughtful gifts and cards. I am very fortunate to be able to work with such a kind and supportive group of families.

  • Thank you to Lily for her contribution to our Reward Bin!

  • Please NO Pokémon Cards/Game Boys/toys are allowed at school.