Friday, November 2, 2012

VOTE! We did!

It was great meeting with my kindergarten parents this week.  I am very thankful for all my wonderful parents.  Your support at home is greatly appreciated! 

I would also like to thank Mrs. Wawro (room mother), Mrs. Kasper, Mrs. Major and Mrs. Srbinov for all their hard work on the Halloween party!  We had a great time!

Mr. Tiede and Mr. Kukulski taught the kindergartners the procedure for safe bus evacuation. 

The kindergartners had a chance to vote for our next president.  They marked their choice on their ballot and then placed their ballot in the ballot box in the library.  It's nice to see that the kindergartners have a political opinion too!

Marifer was our star student.  She is a star because she likes to learn new things and she helps her little brother. 

We will need to know 90 popcorn words by the end of kindergarten

This week we learned the popcorn words on and at. Please practice popcorn words at home with your child. The popcorn words are found in the red bag in their green folder. The bag should contain the following words: I, a, it, in, like, see, big, my, up, run and on.  We did not have a chance to add "at" to our bag; we will next week.
Next week's popcorn words: me, we

We will be adding two/three words a week from now on; therefore, your support at home will only benefit your child.
Some ideas to do with popcorn words: write them in shaving cream, rainbow write (the kids know this one), write them in rice, use magnet letters to spell the words, stamp out the word using letter stamps, play memory using the words (you will need to make two sets of each word in order to play), write using chalk, find the words in books or magazines, use letter stencils to make the words, use play dough to make the words. These are all ways to help reinforce these popcorn words.

FOCUS or LISTEN...use your attent-o-scope!!! We need to use our eyes, ears and brain when we focus attention on something.
Due to our Halloween party, Mrs. Will did not have a chance to visit our classroom.  Please reinforce the listening strategies we've learned so far.

Through PBIS, we are encouraged to reinforce positive behavior; therefore, when I see a student being responsible, being respectful or being safe I give him/her a paw. Reinforcing positive behavior creates a more positive learning environment for our children which allows those students who are struggling to improve. Use this practice at home. Praise your child for pushing in their chair, for cleaning up after himself or for playing nicely with a sibling or friend.

Box Tops!!!

BOX TOPS: Don't forget to send in Box Tops!!!

This week we read some Halloween books and wrote about what we see on Halloween.  We finished the sentence, On Halloween, I saw a _______ _______ looking at me.  We then circled the popcorn words in our sentence.  We also put together a sentence remembering that a sentence starts with a capital letter and ends with a period.     

The kindergartners also worked hard on the letters "b" and "j". The action for "b" is swinging your arms like you're holding a bat.  And the action for "j" is jiggling.   Next week's sound is "ai".  Please look for the review sheet in your child's folder. 

In math, we have been working with numbers.  We counted as we connected the dots, we found like numbers when we played "Fish Fish", we compared numbers and worked with pattern blocks to make various shapes. 

Next week, we will continue working with numbers 1-5.  

We are continuing to count by 1's and 10's. Keep counting at home!

Have a good weekend!