Friday, October 19, 2012

It's Friday Already!


 Alexa was our star student.  She is a star because she helps others and she likes to read books!


Don't forget! The AM Kindergarten will NOT be attending school on Thursday, October 24th. 
Some things to do with your kindergartner if you are home with him/her on this day:
  • Practice Popcorn words (suggestions below)
  • Count objects to 25 (or 50 or 100!)
  • Practice letter sounds using the sound book or cards
  • Find popcorn words in magazines or newspapers
  • Color (stay in the lines), or read together...whatever you decide to do, enjoy the time with your kindergartner!

We enjoyed our pizza and juice.  Thank you to the PTO for the wonderful treat!

Please practice popcorn words at home with your child. The popcorn words are found in the red bag in their green folder. The bag should contain the following words: I, a, it, in, like, see, big, my, up, run

We will be adding two words a week from now on; therefore, your support at home will only benefit your child.
Some ideas to do with popcorn words: write them in shaving cream, rainbow write (the kids know this one), write them in rice, use magnet letters to spell the words, stamp out the word using letter stamps, play memory using the words (you will need to make two sets of each word in order to play), write using chalk, find the words in books or magazines, use letter stencils to make the words, use play dough to make the words. These are all ways to help reinforce these popcorn words.

FOCUS or LISTEN...use your attent-o-scope!!!
Mrs. Will visited our classroom this week and we learned that we need to use our eyes, ears and brain when we focus attention on something.  We learned that using our attent-o-scope may help us!  Please look for a purple home link for you to try at home! 

Through PBIS, we are encouraged to reinforce positive behavior; therefore, when I see a student being responsible, being respectful or being safe I give him/her a paw. Reinforcing positive behavior creates a more positive learning environment for our children which allows those students who are struggling to improve. Use this practice at home. Praise your child for pushing in their chair, for cleaning up after himself or for playing nicely with a sibling or friend.

Halloween NEWS!!!
Please have your child come to school DRESSED in their Halloween costume on Wednesday, October 31 (Halloween). Please do NOT send treats with your child. Thanks to our room mom and party helpers, there will be enough treats and activities.
Box Tops!!!

BOX TOPS: Don't forget to send in Box Tops!!!

This week we read th book  Shoes from Grandpa. We noted the winter and summer clothes.  We made a list of winter/summer clothes and then drew a picture of what we would wear in the winter and what we would wear in the summer.  
We made a class book of things we like to do. The sentence we had to finish writing is "I like to ______" . Ask your kindergartner what he/she wrote. Some of the kindergartners were able to write because and write why!  


The kindergartners also worked hard on the letters "u" and "l". The sound of u is made like opening an umbrella. You pull u-u-up on the u-u-umbrella ().  We did not get to "l" this week.  We will next week.  The last set of sound cards when home with your child in a baggie.  Please practice these sounds with your child.  Sounding out the words (have them use their arm-beginning sound is at the shoulder, middle sound at the elbow and ending sound at the hand). 

In math, we have been reviewing counting objects to 25, position words, shapes (hexagon, square, triangle, circle and rectangle).  Ask your child how many sides and corners each one has-one of them has no sides and no corners!).  We are continuing to count by 1's and 10's.  Keep counting at home! 
Have a good weekend!