Tuesday, May 27, 2008

May 27- May 30

Reading: We will be reading our last story for the year. It is called The Hat. This story is about a friend named Frog who gives his friend Toad a hat that is the wrong size!

Sight Words
able eyes present thoughts

Comprehension Strategies
As we read, we will be concentrating on the following strategies: cause and effect as well as monitoring/clarifying.

We will focus on base words with the endings
-er and -est. We will continue to review words with the “r” controlled vowels in them.

Next week’s spelling words include words with the -es and -est endings.
Deepest newer faster richer highest

warmest kindest smaller coldest lighter

Math: We finished Chapter 11 and I am proud to say, overall, the children did very well. I recommend you continue to work with your first grader (soon to be second grader) on his/her math facts. This will help with our next Chapter, which we have already started. Chapter 12 focuses on using two-digit addition and subtraction. The children used tens blocks to help explore this concept. An example would be 3 tens + 2 tens = 5 tens. We will use the strategy of counting on to add two digit numbers. The children will also problem solve using two digit addition. Please practice math facts, up to 18, with your child at home. A great website for this is aaamath.com.